This morning at 4:18am PST the Sun and Moon were conjunct (New Moon) at 13 degrees Scorpio. Significantly, the Sun/Moon conjunction occurred exactly at the midpoint between the nodes of the Moon, with Rahu at 13 degrees Leo and Kethu at 13 degrees Aquarius. In the language of western astrology, the Sun and Moon were exactly “squaring” Rahu and Kethu at this time—squares being the most challenging of all planetary aspects. Adding to the mix, all of the visible planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, as well as the Sun and Moon—were all grouped together on one side of the Zodiac between Rahu and Kethu. This planetary alignment is known as a Kala Sarpa (“serpent of time”), and is associated with a confrontation of dark and intense energy. Rahu and Kethu are known as shadow planets and are related to our deepest subconscious drives and karmas. When all of the planets fall on one side of their axis we can feel overwhelmed by all that is suddenly brought to the surface. To make matters even worse, the Moon in Scorpio is in the sign of its detriment—its most challenging placement—and is also perilously close to Saturn, its bitter enemy, also currently residing in Scorpio. So, if you were feeling a bit heavy last night and this morning, maybe it was more than just the post election blues. The good news is that, at least planet wise, the worst is over. The New Moon this morning was in the Nakshatra called Anuradha, which is symbolized by the lotus and presided over by Mitra, the god of friendship. Scorpio’s journey is to rise out of the mud of our darkness and despair and grow towards the light. Anuradha (“after Radha’) is associated with devotion—modeled after Radha, the most fervent of Krishna’s devotee—and with friendship. Whenever we go through a “dark night of the soul” experience we recognize the vital importance of friends and the power of devotion.
We are now three weeks post election and I still keep thinking I’ll wake up and realize it was all just a bad dream, but every morning I wake up and the bad dream persists. To distract ourselves from the current unpleasant reality facing us, my wife, my daughter, and I spent last week in New York City. It was my wife’s birthday on Thanksgiving and it was her choice to spend the holiday week in the Big Apple. She got to choose all the activities and each day was a whirlwind of museums, restaurants, theater, long walks, and subway rides. We saw “Hamilton”--which totally lived up to all the hype—and “The Humans”--a play about an angst ridden middle class family on Thanksgiving—a bit dark, but very good. Every day we walked miles and miles, which saved me from gaining ten pounds as we sampled Indian, Chinese, Italian, French, Malaysian, and gourmet vegan cuisine. My wife did extensive research to find great restaurants and figure out the subway system so we could see many of the iconic parts of the city—Times Square, Madison Avenue, Central Park, Greenwich Village, China Town, etc. I also got a chance to teach a yoga workshop at The Shala, on Broadway between 11th and 12th, to help pay for it all. It was a great week, action packed and exhausting--my wife was very happy. We all need a change of pace from time to time, but I can honestly say there’s no place like home.
My feelings exactly, but ne'er so well expressed. Thanks, Timji!
Posted by: Marthaynes | 11/30/2016 at 09:13 AM
So wonderful seeing you and hearing about your adventures! Sounds like you experienced NYC like a New Yorker. Happy haolidays!
Posted by: AshtangayogaAYM | 12/01/2016 at 01:19 PM